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To help keep the entire sewage system working well and prevent sewer blockages and/or sewer service line disruptions that can result in basement flooding, and inconvenient disruptions; it’s important not to flush or put the following products down drains:

  • Hygiene products (e.g. sanitary napkins/liners, tampons, condoms, wipes, cotton swabs, dental floss, diapers and rags).
  • Fats, oils and cooking grease.
  • Medication (e.g. pills or liquid).
  • Household hazardous waste (e.g. paints, pesticides, cleaning products).
  • Car and garage products (e.g. motor oil, antifreeze, fuel).

View the accordions (left side of this page) for a detailed list of what not to flush and instructions on how to properly dispose of the material.