Oak Lake/Griswold United Church
Sunday Worship
Griswold Worship Service every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 9:30 am
Oak Lake Worship Service every 2nd and 4th Sunday at 11:00 am
1st and 3rd Sundays: Congregational led or join by Zoom
Meeting and announcements can be found at http://oaklake.weebly.com
Designated Lay Minister: Tanis Podobni
Phone or Text 204-851-5505
email: oaklake.griswold@gmail.com
Office: | 204-855-2055 |
Oak Lake Office Hours are Tuesday 10-3
Mennonite Church
Sunday school and worship at 11:00 am
Valley of Blessing Ministries
Pastors Dave and Jan Thiessen
Text or phone 204-729-1061 or email:davejanthiessen@gmail.com